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Showing posts from August, 2024

Embracing Original Grace: Moving Beyond the Burden of Original Sin

Original sin is a concept in spirituality refers to the innate tendency of humanity to sin, stemming from disobedience. The concern  of original sin in Catholicism pertains to the idea that all people are inherently inclined to sin as a result of Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Catholic teaching explains that original sin is inherited by every generation, impacting humanity from the moment of birth. This concept underscores the fallen state of human nature and the necessity of salvation through Jesus Christ. Catholics maintain that through the sacrament of baptism, original sin is cleansed, and individuals are brought into God's Grace.  The doctrine of original sin is central to Catholic theology and shapes their understanding of human nature and the need for salvation. Original sin isn’t just a theological term; it’s a concept that can weigh heavily on many. Imagine carrying a backpack filled with rocks. Each rock represents the burdens we believe we inherit