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Showing posts from October, 2023

Religions Without Spirituality Lead to Violence, Fear, and Hatred

When we wake up in the morning and turn on the news or read newspapers, it's always the same sad news: violence, crime, war, and disaster. I can't remember a day when there wasn't a report of something bad happening somewhere. It is clear that our lives are not safe, and no generation before us has had to deal with so much bad news. This constant feeling of fear and anxiety should make anyone who cares about us question the progress of our world. We've come a long way in science and technology, but it's still not enough to bring us peace and happiness or to get rid of suffering. We've seen a huge increase in literacy, but it doesn't seem to be doing much to promote goodness; it's just creating more mental stress and unhappiness. In every culture, there were religions that emerged because human beings understood something beyond human control. We gave the name God, and all the religions also taught people to reach out to God in different ways and with