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Showing posts from March, 2024

The Powerful Connection between Non-Violence and Spirituality Unites Us

Non-violence, also known as ahimsa in Sanskrit, is a fundamental principle in spiritual traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, and many other religions. Non-violence basically involves avoiding physical and emotional harm to oneself or others. Embracing non-violence requires compassion, empathy, and respect for all living things. It requires individuals to recognize the interconnectedness of humanity and strive to live in peace. In a world riddled with conflict and division today, the concept of non-violence has emerged as a powerful tool to promote unity and understanding among people of all backgrounds. By choosing to cope with oppression through peaceful means and on the edge of injustice, individuals can make positive changes and promote a sense of unity in their communities and families. Non-violence, also known as non-violent protest or civil resistance, is a form of social and political change based on peaceful means such as protests and boycotts. The go...